A bunch of art inspired by Springfield’s favourite family.

If you like what you see here, please consider supporting me via my Patreon or store. Thank you!

Lenny was the first thing I made. It did very well, and got featured on Screenrant. Print copy.

Eye on Springfield was a continuation of this idea, of how living in a sitcom is an existential nightmare. Print copy.

I was enjoying this exploration of the show so much that I decided to draw literally every Simpsons character ever in order. Each illustration is accompanied with a blog post detailing some history of the character, as well as my own analysis. Follow along on Patreon.

Thanks for checking out my work.

If you’re interested in supporting more, then I sell comics and prints over at my store, and I draw a lot exclusively on Patreon. If you’d like to show your appreciation, buy me a Ko-Fi. Or you can just follow me on Twitter or Instagram.

(I also make all sorts of other stuff if that interests you.)